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Hye Min Kim

Hye Min Kim always focuses on people's perspectives and emotions. Her work revolves around the expression of anxious feelings and identities through fashion. Through interviews with herself and her friends, she focused on feelings of anxiety felt because of the way one dresses in public. Ultimately, she wants to tell a story about her friends and herself and illuminate aspects of their inner lives through her work.

Degree Details

School of Design

Hye Min Kim

"There are many kinds of power, used and unused acknowledged or otherwise. The erotic is a resource within each of us that lies in a deeply female and spiritual plane, firmly rooted in the power of our unexpressed or unrecognized feeling." By Audre Lord.


My project is a story of myself and my friends. When I started this project, I interviewed very dominant people in their image and asked about their social perspective as a woman. I had explored what makes them feel uncomfortable, when they feel and how they show a defense mechanism. It has been a part of our life, the gazes we have constantly feeling in our lives.


In the interview, I can realize that even they are dominant women who are very out of the norm in society, they cannot be free from the social gaze. They suffer from the gaze in their life and try to escape their way from it. In particular, when talking about sexuality, the thinking of gender in clothes and objects is ultimately related to the social gaze. So, if the object or clothes embody erotism, it causes a stronger social rejection in Korea. These gazes are the beings that I could not escape in my life, and eventually, it makes to hide women's eyes and consciousness. 

This project is a narrative about my life; I believe it is the story of all of us. I think that the sexual culture we think should be consumed in the female culture, after all. If we can confidently show the image that women have, we can create a culture of arbitrary consumption for female consumers and escape from this repressive confinement. Through the project, I want to create a new perspective in which women themselves being looked at.

Dear My friends,
Hidden Women with Cherry
Hidden Women with Cherry
Hidden Women with Ahjin
Hidden Women with Ahjin
Hidden Women with Xen Her
Hidden Women with Xen Her
Hidden Women with Hongjoo
Hidden Women with Hongjoo

Photographer - In Yoon 

Jewellery designer - Daye Kim 

Model - Cherry,Ahjin,Hongjoo,Xenher 

Assistant - Ahjin Lee


Photographer - In Yoon 

Jewellery designer - Daye Kim 

Model - YO Joanna Klosowska 

Makeup and Hair artist - YU RI AN 

Assistant - Ahjin Lee

Arcade Project with Subin Cho and Kyoungeun Kim
Arcade Project with Subin Cho and Kyoungeun Kim
Arcade Project with Subin Cho and Kyoungeun Kim
Arcade Project with Subin Cho and Kyoungeun Kim — Arcade Project is a group project with Subin Cho and Kyoungeun Kim. We were trying to show various aspects of women. This project was done for research on femininity and gender issues in Korea. Our focus as a team is femininity/ attitude/ image consuming/ obsession and how images of women are produced and consumed in our society.
Hidden Women — The background for this video is from The Uses of the Erotic, by Audre Lord. Her speech is included in the uploaded video. she says Eroticism is used by men to oppress women under the current patriarchy, but is essentially a means and power for women to express themselves.